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ON DEMAND PICK-UP and DELIVERY, Serving San Diego and All of Southern California. We can handle all of your deliveries from Envelopes to Pallets.
Same Day Express has been ranked as the most preferred courier company in San Diego. "SDE" will deliver your shipments anywhere and anytime in southern California or anywhere we can reach same day.
Same Day Express principal activity is a courier service provider. It meets the demand for fast, efficient and reliable service for the speedy transfer of light or heavy weight and high value goods between locations.
Our Same Day services
Prices competitive with most overnight carriers.
One driver picks up your shipment and delivers it.
Your shipment can't get lost or damadged in a mail sort facility.
Areas we can service.
Click on the image to enlarge.
Call our dispatch center anytime, day or night, and our Professional Dispatchers will immediately send a driver to pick up your item for delivery.
Minuteman Messenger service –reliable delivery for payroll distributions, blueprints, medical records, legal documents, real estate and other documents…if it’s in an envelope we’ll deliver it!
Deliveries to any Southern California county, includes the counties of:
San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial
San Diego
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